Dr Alexander Bunkenburg
Scala Java web developer
Technically: Scala, Java, web.
Role: mainly development.
Prefer freelance.
Modern informal company style.
Prefer companies that make their own engine, over consulting companies.
I value the ethical aspect: using technology to make lives better.
Interesting: cryptocurrency, energy, or science.
- 1988-1999 Education and research at University of Glasgow based on lazy Functional Programming (Haskell)
- 1999-2018 Professional development in Object-Oriented Java.
- 2018 Passed the five Scala courses offered by EPFL on coursera.
- 2019 Complex Calculator: As practice, I re-write a Java app in Scala.
Interactive graphical visualisation of complex number operations in 2D and 3D.
In Scala: complex numbers, vectors and matrices, Swing GUI.
- I'm looking forward to working with Scala.
Finally, functional-programming techniques, even with laziness, have arrived in commercial software development.
- from Java 1.1 in 1997 to Java 11 in 2019
- applets, Swing, J2EE, servlets, JSP, Android, AEM
- Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, Google AppEngine
- JB261 JBoss for Advanced J2EE Developers
- SUN Certified Java Programmer (1.6) 2006 91%
- SUN Certified Java Associate (1.6) 2006 98%
- BEA Certified WebLogic 7.0 Developer 2002 97%
- BEA Certified WebLogic 6.0 Developer 2002 93%
- SUN Certified Java Programmer (1.2) 2000
- orange-servlet: open-source HTML5 templates with Java as server-side language
- html-servlet: open-source HTML5 templates with javascript as server-side language
- html-parser: open-source parser and object model for HTML5 in Java
- ECMAScript 262-3: In 2008 I wrote a parser and several engines for ECMAScript 262-3:
interrupted executions with continuations, non-deterministic excution.
- 2011-2012 Android Development
- 2011 Software Architect at siine, where I directed design and implementation of an Android keyboard with a Java-server on Google AppEngine.
- 2012 Co-Founder and Software Architect at Mobile Jazz, development for Android and iOS.
survey engines
Yellow: A new survey paradigm:
The survey flow is modelled as a javascript program and the pages come from HTML5 templates.
See www.yellow.cat.
Personal project since 2013.
Based on continuations.
Uses rhino javascript which has continuations.
I'd like to use Scala continuations.
I implemented a survey engine for netquest.
Developed in Java: parser and several engines for JavaScript,
client and server for a ReST protocol, web pages with AJAX, fat client using Java Swing.
Apparently still working in 2017.
- 1992 BSc Maths & Computing Science at University of Glasgow
- 1997 PhD in formal software construction at University of Glasgow, supervised by J.M.Morris and Phil Wadler
- 1997-1999 Research: at University of Glasgow: "An Axiomatic Basis for Functional and Imperative Programming", with J.M.Morris
- 11 scientific publications, best is: "Term Transformers: A new approach to state", with J.M.Morris and M.Tyrrell. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (2009) Volume 31 Issue 4, May 2009